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The Conserverie Courtin buys directly from the Concarneau’s fish market to have fresh fishes and crustaceans. Such fresh ingredients make the best soups, which we want to offer you. We let the fishes and some vegetables simmer in a big pot all morning and then the ingredients are mixed together but not grinded in order to preserve the fish bones...

The Conserverie Courtin buys directly from the Concarneau’s fish market to have fresh fishes and crustaceans. Such fresh ingredients make the best soups, which we want to offer you. We let the fishes and some vegetables simmer in a big pot all morning and then the ingredients are mixed together but not grinded in order to preserve the fish bones’ sour taste. We offer you a large range of fish and shellfish soups by craft production, without any food colouring or preservatives. Our soups are then canned in 400 gr or 800gr cans or put in 750 gr glass jars. 

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